Tuesday, December 1, 2009


"Interracial Marriages and relationships have become increasingly accepted and encouraged by society." (Duru)

This quote very well supports my topic because I am trying to find out if society accepts people in interracial relationships. This article talked about how through surveying people they have found that the number of people in society supporting interracial relationships has increased.

"Many parents force their children to date within their culture, in order to avoid betraying their own cultural roots." (Duru)

This quote supports how parents can get in between interracial relationships because they believe we should stay with our own cultures.

"...At the end of the day its not about skin color or race. It's about the love connection: the vibe between a man and a woman."
(Something New)

I think that this quote is one of the best that I have found doing my research. Love is blind and you cannot help who you fall in love. We are all humans.

"People are finding people with common interests and common perspectives and are putting race aside." (Jayson)

Race is no longer a factor in dating. People are able to look past the color of someones skin and see them for who they are as a person on the inside.

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